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- Notepad এর সাহায্যে Registry Editing (পর্ব 2) : Hi...
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- Micro Computer is computer
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মঙ্গলবার, ২৮ জুন, ২০১১
Micro Computer is computer
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Labels: Computer Basic
Mainframe Computer
Posted by Md. Abu Zafor Fagun Ahmad on Friday, February 19, 2010
* Mainframe Computer is a computer which is smaller then a super computer but it is larger then a micro computer or a miniframe computer. It also can work fast. But it can’t done all work which is can be done by a super computer. It is also needed a room for stand it. It is sometime called a server computer. It is build by connecting some micro computer. It is used in a big office specially. There are some organization who is so popular and they done many work. They used mainframe computer. It is not so rear as super computer. It is sometime also called dumb computer. It can work so fast then micro computer. Like super computer is must also must need many people for maintain it. And they must be qualified. But it is not need to so much qualified people to operate it. Now a days every country has many mainframe computer.
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Labels: Computer Basic
Super Computer
Posted by Md. Abu Zafor Fagun Ahmad
* Super Computer is a computer which is only made for special work. It is a so large computer that a big room must be needed for this computer. And it is impossible to maintain this computer by a single person. For control this computer many people is needed. And every people can not work with it. Only some people can control this computer. It is used in Space Technology, for invent any hug machine etc work. Actually it is a server of some computer. For maintain this computer many people work in deference table and all of those computer is connected by a process. This computer can calculate any thing. It also can listen man’s talk and it can duplicate his sound and it can work by according this sound. And it is not a cheap machine. Not only a common people but also a millinery can not buy it. There are some super computer in this world. It can made any program on it’s own choice. It also has a brain. It can make any machine by own brain. Now a days it is specially used in space technology.
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Labels: Computer Basic
What is Computer
Posted by Md. Abu Zafor Fagun Ahmad on Thursday, February 18, 2010
* Computer :- Computer is a kind of electric machine. It is called calculating machine. It is invented only for calculate but now a days it is not only use for calculating but also it is use for many work. It can calculate any calculation in a short time. Now a days it is use for many works. For make a new machine computer is must be used at now. There are many kind of computer. Those are
Super Computer
Mainframe Computer
Miniframe Computer
Micro Computer
There works is also different.
Super Computer:- It is a computer who is used for any hug work. Now a days it is used for Making any machine. In space technology and so on. It’s price is also so much. So there are a few supper computer in the world.
Mainframe Computer:- It is a computer who is used for in a big office. Now a days it is used in a big office. It can’t do all of supper computer.
Miniframe computer:- It is a computer who is used for a normal office. It can more big than a Micro Computer but not more big then mainframe computer.
Micro Computer:- It is a normal computer. It is used for normal work. It is work by a micro processor. So it is called micro computer.
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- Micro Computer is computer
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মঙ্গলবার, ২৮ জুন, ২০১১
Micro Computer is computer
* Micro Computer is computer which is worked by a micro processor. It is small size computer. It can done any personal work. It can be stand in a small table. It is also called personal computer. Now a days it is used most. Now a days in the common people computer means. I think you can not understand this sentence. It means if you say about computer then he/she think about personal computer. Now a days it is used in house, office, school, industry etc place. It is so cheaper then any other computer. It has tree parts of device. Those are input device, processing device and output device. It change our modern science. It is called a wonder of modern science. Only a people can maintain it. He can work by it more flexible. There are many kind of micro computer also. Those are desktop computer, laptop computer, super micro computer etc. It is no need to have more knowledge for maintain it. Any English knowing people can hardly operate it. There are many company who made this computer professionally now a days. Those are Intel, Apple, Dell, IBM etc.
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Labels: Computer Basic
Mainframe Computer
Posted by Md. Abu Zafor Fagun Ahmad on Friday, February 19, 2010
* Mainframe Computer is a computer which is smaller then a super computer but it is larger then a micro computer or a miniframe computer. It also can work fast. But it can’t done all work which is can be done by a super computer. It is also needed a room for stand it. It is sometime called a server computer. It is build by connecting some micro computer. It is used in a big office specially. There are some organization who is so popular and they done many work. They used mainframe computer. It is not so rear as super computer. It is sometime also called dumb computer. It can work so fast then micro computer. Like super computer is must also must need many people for maintain it. And they must be qualified. But it is not need to so much qualified people to operate it. Now a days every country has many mainframe computer.
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Labels: Computer Basic
Super Computer
Posted by Md. Abu Zafor Fagun Ahmad
* Super Computer is a computer which is only made for special work. It is a so large computer that a big room must be needed for this computer. And it is impossible to maintain this computer by a single person. For control this computer many people is needed. And every people can not work with it. Only some people can control this computer. It is used in Space Technology, for invent any hug machine etc work. Actually it is a server of some computer. For maintain this computer many people work in deference table and all of those computer is connected by a process. This computer can calculate any thing. It also can listen man’s talk and it can duplicate his sound and it can work by according this sound. And it is not a cheap machine. Not only a common people but also a millinery can not buy it. There are some super computer in this world. It can made any program on it’s own choice. It also has a brain. It can make any machine by own brain. Now a days it is specially used in space technology.
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Labels: Computer Basic
What is Computer
Posted by Md. Abu Zafor Fagun Ahmad on Thursday, February 18, 2010
* Computer :- Computer is a kind of electric machine. It is called calculating machine. It is invented only for calculate but now a days it is not only use for calculating but also it is use for many work. It can calculate any calculation in a short time. Now a days it is use for many works. For make a new machine computer is must be used at now. There are many kind of computer. Those are
Super Computer
Mainframe Computer
Miniframe Computer
Micro Computer
There works is also different.
Super Computer:- It is a computer who is used for any hug work. Now a days it is used for Making any machine. In space technology and so on. It’s price is also so much. So there are a few supper computer in the world.
Mainframe Computer:- It is a computer who is used for in a big office. Now a days it is used in a big office. It can’t do all of supper computer.
Miniframe computer:- It is a computer who is used for a normal office. It can more big than a Micro Computer but not more big then mainframe computer.
Micro Computer:- It is a normal computer. It is used for normal work. It is work by a micro processor. So it is called micro computer.
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রেভমন হচ্ছে একটি ভাইরাসের নাম। রেভমন ভাইরাসে আক্রান্ত হলে কম্পিউটারের স্পীড স্লো হয়ে যায় এবং কম্পিউটারের হার্ড ড্রাইভ এবং ফ্লাস মোমোরি...
কি – লগার ( Keylogger ) কি? কি লগার হচ্ছে এমন একটি প্রোগ্রাম যেটি আপনার কম্পিউটারে ইনস্টল করা থাকলে আপনি কি-বোর্ডে কি’ গুলো প্রেস করে ক...
Hello বন্ধুগন, আগেই বলে নিচিছ অন্যায়কারীকে কেউ ভালবাসে না। অতএব জানার জন্যে জ্ঞান, অজানার জন্যে নয়। তো শুরু করছি: আপনার প্রথমে Broadband Hi...
ভাইরাসটি তৈরি করতে নিচের ধাপ গুলি অনুসরন করুন - 1 - আপনার ডেক্সটপে রাইট ক্লিক করুন। 2 - new>New Text Document ক্লিক করুন। 3 - এব...
আজ আমি আপনাদের সাথে শেয়ার করছি একটি মজাদার ট্রিক্স যা দিয়ে আপনি বন্ধু অথবা শুভাকাঙ্খীদের সাথে মজা করতে পারবেন একই সাথে তাদেরকে সাময়িক ঝামে...
সম্প্রতি চীনের একটি হ্যাকিং গ্রুপ দ্বারা হ্যাক হওয়ার পর গুগোল তাদের ফ্রী ই - মেইল সার্ভিসের সিকিউরিটি বৃদ্ধি করছে কম্পি...
আমি আজ আপনাদের যে বিষয়টির উপর ট্রিকস দিতে যাচ্ছি তা হলো কিভাবে আপনি SMS পাঠিয়ে আপনার বন্ধুদের মোবাইল রিস্ট্রাট করে দিতে পারেন। এটা খুব। মজার...
আমারা অনেকেই আছি যারা দিনের বেশির ভাগ সময় স্কুল, কলেজ, বিশ্ববিদ্দ্যালয়, অফিসে ইন্টারনেট ব্যবহার করি। কিন্তু এইসব প্রতিস্ঠানের নিরাপর্তার...
এই ক দিনে আমরা জেনেছি অনেক গুলো নোট প্যাড ভাইরাস কোড।তাই আসুন এবার তৈরি করি নোট প্যাড ছাড়া ভাইরাস।এটা একটি শর্টকাট ভাইরাস এটার নাম দিয়েছি ট...
আমরা সবাই হ্যাকিং করতে পচ্ছন্দ করি ,তাও যদি হয় আবার উইন্ডোজ লগইন পাসওয়ার্ড তাহলে তো কথাই নেই । ইন্টারনেটে এরকম অনেক সফটওয়্যার আছে যার মাধ্...
কোন মন্তব্য নেই:
একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন